Suffered from Medical Treatment?

The care that you receive from a hospital, doctor, nurse or other health care agency has a large impact on your well being.

Australia generally has a very high standard of health care and when you see a medical professional you are entitled to receive the best care possible. Unfortunately this is not always the case and when an injury or medical condition is worsened because of poor medical treatment a medical negligence claim may arise.

Medical negligence is also known as medical malpractice or clinical negligence and seeks to claim compensation from health care providers for patients who have been personally injured by a health care professional.

By law health care providers have to provide patients with a “duty of care” which means there are strict guidelines to provide a ‘reasonable standard of care’.

What sort of compensation can I expect?

Proving medical negligence

If you believe you have a claim of medical negligence, you must prove:

  • That the treatments you received showed a less than reasonable level of care, skill andexpertise;
  • that you suffered some injury or damage;
  • that the lack of reasonable care taken was the cause of your injury or damage

If you think you can prove the above then the next step is to contact an experienced medical negligence lawyer to start the legal proceedings against your health care provider. After the incident has occurred there are strict time limits for claiming medical negligence so contact PK Simpson today to get your claim under way.

Medical negligence compensation you may receive

If your medical negligence claim is successful you may receive:

  • A lump sum medical negligence compensation payment (This is compensation for pain andsuffering)
  • Medical expenses for the treatment of the injury, in both the short and long term
  • Loss of wages and superannuation payments
  • Any expenses for future care
  • Other costs such as home modifications or wheelchairs you may need due to your injury

The level of your payments is not calculated on the level of medical negligence that you experienced, but instead the severity of the injury and what losses have arisen from that injury. To get the best result possible and the care that you need contact PK Simpson for expert advice.