Claim Procedure
1. Telephone Conference/ Skype Call With a Superannuation Claims Lawyer
We will assess your situation and take down some details to look further into your claim
A) Your date of injury and/or illness
B) Employment history following injury and work performed
C) Start dates of employment
D) Your last day at work
E) Details of your super fund(s)
2. Contacting the Super Fund
We will contact your super fund(s) (subject to an authority from you) to find out the period and details of your TPD insurance cover. The cover can range from between $10,000 to $250,000 and sometimes even more.
3. Building Your Case – Evidence
Upon confirmation of your insurance we will then begin to support your claim with the necessary medical authorities and other documents.
4. Pushing The Claim
Insurance companies often handle these claims very poorly. It is vital the case is prepared well in the legal sense. The insurance company may require you to be assessed by an insurance doctor.
Our Super Team will guide you through this process and communicate with the insurer.
5. Settlement
We often settle claims before proceeding to court. Very rarely does a TPD claim end up in court. If your claim looks as though it will end up in court we will advise you of the best route.
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Experience the
PK Simpson difference.
You’re in safe hands with PK Simpson. We can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
We’re big on keeping our clients up to date and supported throughout a claim. We’re the only personal injury law firm with a client services department who are dedicated, 100% of the time, on making sure you are happy.

We Pay For All Medical Reports
We pay for GP and specialist reports. Fast and effective.

TPD Claims
Unable to work due to injury or illness?A variety of reasons can mean you are entititled to a TPD super payout.

All Accidents
It doesn’t matter how the accident happened or the illness as long as you can’t work.

Word of Mouth
67% of our new clients come to us via word of mouth. 33% come to us because they’ve seen our ads.

No Win No Fee*
Where ever and how ever your injury happened it is always worth talking to us. Don’t settle for second best.

Australia wide
Our clients come from all over Australia. We’re efficient and effective and it’s done all by phone.