If HIV AIDS has prevented you from working you may be able to claim a lump sum payment under your superannuation fund. TPD Insurance, meaning Total and Permanent Disability, covers all Australians and refers to an area of insurance which covers people when they are unable to work due to an injury or any medical reason. It is now compulsory for all Superannuation Funds in Australia to provide TPD coverage. Our solicitors are experts in TPD claims, helping HIV infected men and women all over Australia with successful claims. Our online approach has further provided access to people located in rural towns and those who are seeking legal advice from LGBTI community lawyers. Superannuation funds demand extensive paper work for successful claims. We will make sure your claim is supported with the necessary documents and medical reports.
In 2013 a study by The Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Australia (University of NSW) found that the rate of HIV infections had grown by 10% in 12 months – being the largest increase in 20 years. They found that infection was highest amongst men who have sex with men resulting in 67% of diagnoses. 25% was related to heterosexual contact and 2% through injecting drugs.
A recent article online illustrated the struggle of two heterosexual men who had contracted HIV from having unprotected sex. After being diagnosed the men faced discrimination in the work force, especially in finding new jobs. Although they lived relatively normal lives, the stigma of HIV AIDS followed them at work force and socially.
To manage the untreatable disease victims take a number of prescribed drugs often having negative side effects such as depression, further changing their lives.
Recent surveys show that gay men under 25 years of age are at most risk of contracting and spreading HIV. The main factor for this is having unprotected sex. Ultimately, HIV does not discriminate. People can live relatively normal lives for up to 5 years before even becoming aware of their HIV Positive health status and this can lead to accidental spreading of the virus. It is recommended that all people have blood tests for the disease.
It is possible to contract HIV and not have AIDS and therefore not show any of the adverse symptoms. It is believed up to 10,000 Australians do not know they have HIV. A lack of awareness of health risks prevent many people from being tested.
Our priority is to help those already infected get on with their lives as best as possible by offering legal support to make successful TPD Claims against your Superannuation Funds. Don’t be swayed by Super Funds rejection of your claim if you have made one already. Come to us for advice and let us handle the insurers because it’s what we do every day. A Total and Permanent Disability Superannuation Claim will help you financially and provide you with the financial support to live the way you want to. Where ever you are in Australia, you can find help at PK Simpson TPD Super Claims.
We’re proud supporters of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Tran/ Transgender Intersex (LGBTI) community in Sydney and Australia. We have offices located at 162 Goulburn St, just off Oxford St in Sydney and welcome everyone to call or visit for more information on making superannuation claims.
Contact us today on 02 9299 1424 or submit an enquiry with your phone number and area code and we will return your call.