
Super paid after a person’s death is called a ‘super death benefit’. It can include the super amount plus any insurance cover the person may have had. The benefit will either be paid to the nominated beneficiary, deceased’s personal legal representative or someone who can prove they were a ‘dependent’ on the deceased.

Who is the nominated beneficiary?
Some people nominate who they would like their benefit to be paid to when they die. The Trustee will be responsible in paying this to the nominated beneficiary in these instances. If you think you are a beneficiary, you should contact the fund and ask them to release it to you.


Who is a legal personal representative?
This will be the Executor of the Will. If the deceased had no Will, it will be the administrator of his/her estate. The administrator will be the person who has been granted Letters of Administration from the Supreme Court.


Who are dependents?

Dependents are people that were financially dependent or had an interdependency relationship with the deceased. They include:

  1. Spouses or de facto spouses.
  2. A former spouse or de facto spouse.
  3. A child of the deceased.
  4. Any person who was financially dependent on the deceased.
  5. Any person who had an interdependency relationship with the deceased
  6. Interdependency relationships arise when
    two people live together; or,
    have a close personal relationship; or,
    one or each of them provide the other with financial support

Please check other information about superannuation claims and TPD.